Data protection
Comus International
Zweiradteile und Sportartikel Handelsgesellschaft mbH
Edmund-Rumpler-Str. 5
51149 Köln
Managing director: Frank Quabach
- Scope of application
This data privacy statement will inform you of the type, scope and purpose of collection and use of personal data on the website (hereinafter: “Website”) by Comus International Zweiradteile und Sportartikel Handelsgesellschaft mbH, Ettore-Bugatti-Str. 6-14, D-51149 Cologne (hereinafter: “we” or “us”). We are the body responsible for all personal data collected on the Website, except where this data privacy statement contains any deviating information. We are not the body responsible or the data privacy of any linked-to pages.
- Would you like to only browse?
You can visit our Websites without providing any information on your person. We will only save access data in server log files, such as the name of the file you called, the data and time of the call, transmitted data volume and the requesting provider. These data are only evaluated to ensure interference-free operation of the site and to improve our offer. They do not permit us to draw any conclusions regarding your person. For more on this, see item 4 “Automatic collection of access data”.
- Automated collection of access data/server log files
At every access to the website, we automatically collect some technical data that are not personal data.
They are:
• The user’s IP address
• The name of the called website or file
• The date and time of the access
• The transferred data volume
• Report on successful call
• Browser type and version
• User’s operating system
• End device used by the user, including MAC address
• Referrer-URL (the last page visited)
These data will not be combined with any other personal data that you are actively entering in the scope of the Website.
The server log files with the above data are automatically deleted after seven days. We reserve saving the server log files for longer if there are any facts that suggest inadmissible access (e.g. attempted hacking or a DOS attack).
- What is an IP address?
The IP address is a globally valid identification of your computer that is unique at the time at which it is assigned to your computer by your internet provider. In its currently most common form (IPv4), it is made up of four digit blocks that are separated by dots. As a private user, you will usually not use a consistent IP address, since your provider will assign it only temporarily (“dynamic IP address”). A permanently assigned IP address (“static IP address”) generally permits clear identification of the user data by this feature. Except for the purpose of tracking inadmissible access to our online offer, we generally do not use these data in a personal manner, but only evaluate anonymously which of our websites are preferred, how many accesses per day take place and similar information.
Our website already supports the new IPv6 addresses. If you already have an IPv6 address, you should know the following: The IPv6 address is made up of eight blocks of four. The first four blocks, like the entire IPv4 address, are typically assigned dynamically for private users. The last four blocks of an IPv6 address (the “Interface-Identifier”), however, are determined by the end device you use to browse the website. Unless set differently in your operating system, this is done using the MAC address. The MAC address is a kind of serial number that is assigned uniquely in the world for every IP-capable device. Therefore, we do not save the last four blocks of your IPv6 address. Generally, we recommend activating the “Privacy Extensions” in your end device to better anonymise the last four blocks of your IPv6 address. Most common operating systems have a “Privacy Extensions” function that is, however, not set in the default settings in some cases.
- Cookies
Cookies are small text files that are saved on your end device when you call our website. Individual services of a website can thus “recognise” you and “remember” what settings you have made. This makes websites more user friendly and therefore helps the users (e.g. by saving login data). Secondly, cookies serve to collect statistical data on website use and to use the acquired data for advertising purposes.
Some cookies are automatically deleted from your end device when you leave the website again (“session cookies”). Other cookies are saved for a certain time that does not exceed two years from case to case (“persistent cookies”). We also use “third-party cookies” that are managed by third parties in order to offer certain services.
Users can influence the use of cookies. Most browsers have an option that limits or entirely prevents the saving of cookies. However, note that use and in particular comfortable use will be impaired without cookies.
- Google Analytics
This website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service of Google Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics “Cookies” (see above). The information generated by the cookie on your use of this Website is usually transmitted to a server of Google in the USA and saved there. However, we have activated the IP anonymisation function on this website, so that your IP address will be abbreviated by Google within member states of the European Union or in other contracting states of the convention on the European Economic Area first only in exceptions will the full IP address be transmitted to a server of Google in the USA and shortened there. On the order of the operator of this Website, Google will use this information to assess your use of the Website, to compile reports on the website activities and to render further services connected with use of the Website and the internet for the Website operator. The IP address submitted by your browser in the scope of Google Analytics will not be combined with any other data of Google. You can prevent recording transfer of the data generated by the cookie regarding your use of the website (incl. your IP address) to Google and processing of these data by Google as well by downloading and installing the browser plugin available under the following link:
- DoubleClick
DoubleClick is a Google service. DoubleClick uses cookies to show you advertisements that are relevant for you. Your browser will be assigned an identification alias (ID) to check which ads are shown in your bowser and which ads have been called. Use of the DoubleClick cookies enables Google and its partner websites to display ads based on previous visits to our or other websites online.
You can prevent transfer of the data generated by the cookies regarding your use of the websites to Google and processing of these data by Google by downloading and installing the browser plugin available under the following line, item DoubleClick deactivation extension: Under that link, you can also configure the advertisements that Google will show you.
- Google Tag Manager
Our website uses the Google Tag Manager for administration of personalised, interactive and site-based online advertisement. The Tag Manager also refers only to personality profiles using aliases. Your name and your address are not submitted to us. Where the Tag Manager identifies you by your IP address, we have activated the option that anonymises the IP addresses. This internal setting is set to achieve the anonymisation of IP addresses required by the Federal Data Privacy Act.
- General advertisement opt-out
The following link will take you to the websites of Digital Advertising Alliance. You can declare a general opt-out for various advertising technologies there.
A German-speaking alternative to the Digital Advertising Alliance can be found here:
10. Revocation, change, corrections and updates
You have the right to receive information free of charge regarding the personal data saved about you upon request. You also have the right to correct any inaccurate data, lock and delete your personal data where no statutory retention obligations oppose this. You will not incur any other costs than possibly postage costs or general transmission costs for this. The use of your data for contact by mail shall remain permitted if you do not also object to this. You may contact usat any time if you have any questions regarding your data.